
What Is an Office Access Control System?

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Protecting modern office environments requires equally modern physical access control systems. The equipment you need — to let users and maintenance teams access the facilities while preventing unauthorized access — is more than just a lock on an office door. Explore how an office access control system works to determine whether it’s the right upgrade for your office.

What Is Office Access Control?

Today’s security systems are comprehensive solutions built to regulate who can enter specific areas within a larger building or campus. These office access control systems incorporate a combination of various technologies and practices, enhancing security and protecting assets without creating unnecessary barriers to authorized access.

Installing a modern office access control system is the best way to prevent unauthorized individuals from entering the premises, which protects your employees, assets, and sensitive information.

Components and Features of a Physical Access Control System

A number of components make up a modern office access control system.

1. Access Control Devices

Devices that limit access to entry points are numerous. Card readers that scan NFC or RFID technology are common, but keypads can also work well for more flexible access.

2. Credentials

Key fobs and smartphone access control apps that generate secure signals are convenient and offer even greater security than magnetized cards or codes. They also minimize how many items your users need to carry on a daily basis. There’s no need to keep physical cards secure or share personal identification numbers (PINs) that are at risk of theft.

3. Control Panels and Software 

These central units connect all the various access control reader devices spread across the building, facility, or campus to the master administrative source which could be on premise or remote, if it is a cloud-based platform. They process access control signals from the readers to authenticate the user identity and access privileges of access request (made when a user scans or swipes a credential). If verified, a signal is sent to unlock the point of entry for that user. If not verified, the entry remains locked and the system reports any unauthorized access attempts or damage. Managed security software and IP-based systems allow for seamless integration with existing infrastructure and cloud-based access control for scalability.

4. Visitor Management System 

Visitors and delivery professionals need access to your office space but not at the expense of your security team’s workload. Modern office access control systems streamline the process of issuing temporary credentials for contractors and guests without the hassle of visitor badges and preregistration. It’s easy to remove temporary access as well.

5. Emergency Features   

Don’t forget the essential emergency features included in modern security systems. The ability to remotely lock down a facility in case of emergency can save lives. Making sure that access control measures won’t impede any essential evacuation routes will help you meet all local safety codes too.

6. Analytics and Reporting

Maintaining office security requires accurate access logs showing who accessed what areas and when. Those usage reports are essential for providing insights into potential security risks and general access patterns. It also establishes office occupancy levels on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.

7. Monitoring

This includes all the methods and protocols for tracking intrusion signals and following up on them. You can have on-site security that responds to each notification or an external security team that manages it all remotely.

What Benefits Can You Expect from a Physical Access Control System?

The precise access management offered by a complete system is unparalleled:

  • Employees and contractors receive access to only those areas necessary for their roles — this is useful for both physical security and cybersecurity as many cyber attacks begin with a physical breach that allows unauthorized on-site access to individuals with ill intent.
  • Operational efficiency increases along with overall workplace security — administrators can see who is on-site at one time for better space and schedule planning.
  • Visitor management remains as easy as possible, especially if you use a combination of biometrics, key cards, and mobile access control options for entry limited to authorized people at specific times.
  • Remote access control helps your security team issue, adjust, and revoke permissions as needed without having to be on-site at a particular day and time. This can be more efficient and secure if you can integrate your access user roster with your administrative active directory. This synchronizes access identity management with the core HR authoritative source, so employee access is instantly synchronized with employment status.

Efficient Access Control

There’s little need for manual tracking or monitoring with this kind of complete system. The access control equipment automates the process of tracking who enters and exits specific areas. You’ll generate clear activity logs to help you track office occupancy figures. Handling security audits and investigations is easier than ever, along with complying with any relevant company security policies. This is especially important when using security as a service to manage your facility rather than on-site labor.

In fact, a complete access control system often reduces the need and cost of on-site security staff by quite a bit. You won’t increase your risk of losses from theft or damage just by downsizing your staff members to save on payroll. The cost savings continue when you outsource the process of granting access credentials.

Safety Considerations

Emergency responses are immediate and effective with the help of access control systems. The facility can undergo remote lockdown even without anyone in the building, or the management team can open the doors for emergency responders. It’s easy to ensure an organized evacuation with automated access control features as well. The system can even help alert first responders to people who may still be inside the building.

If you’re part of an industry with strict regulations regarding data handling or security, you’ll need to prove you’re in compliance. Constant logging and a robust security framework offer both physical security and data protection so you can avoid legal issues and fines.

Finally, these access control systems tend to integrate well with other security and facility management systems. Security cameras, alarms, lighting and HVAC tools, and other systems all work together as a single solution for efficient management. You can even make your access control system part of your time and attendance tracking process to automate clocking in and out for a streamlined payroll process.

Safeguard Your Office with Modern Access Control Systems

Consider a complete access control system upgrade for your facility. Kastle can help you find the right solution, no matter the size of your workforce or the number of offices you manage.

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